Monday, October 13, 2014

On track

Things have been going well lately, with very few interruptions to my training. I now have a training partner (did I already mention that?) who is very much experiencing success with the program.

Lifts have certainly increased over the last couple of months, and are now as follows:

Squat: 3 x 5 x 113+ kg (250 pounds)
Bench: 3 x 5 x 79+ kg (175 pounds)
Dead-lift: 3 x 5 x 107 kg (235 pounds)

My main concern these days are recovery. The squat increase is not always the most pleasant thought in the morning, and I have probably increased less than I could by choice at times. My Bench, much like my press, is increasing slower than expected. I'm starting to believe that the squats are taking most of my recovery, though I enjoy the strength increase. Once I get to 2x bodyweight squat, my goals will certainly change.

I will suggest to my training partner that we start introducing a high rep day more often, for both recovery and endurance benefits.

A note on my weight:
I am seeing an increase in my weight, even when I don't expect it. My diet could at times be better, but I am slowly changing this.

Body weight: 195 pounds (ouch).

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