Friday, November 7, 2014

Observations of progress

Things have been hectic lately, with work and visitors keeping me plenty busy. However, I have been sticking to my routine with only a few missed sessions.

My lifts have improved are now as follows:

Squats: 3 x 5 x 270 pounds
Bench-press: 3 x 5 x 180 pounds
Dead-lifts: 2 x 5 x 245 pounds
Military press: 3 x 5 x 110 pounds
Power cleans:: 5 x 3 x 115 pounds

I've made some observations regarding my rest and recovery worth mentioning. First of, my legs struggle to recover after heavy squatting with 7 hours a sleep a night. I feel much better with 8+ hours. Also, having a routine of Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, my Sunday lifts are always easier due to the added day of rest and the extra sleep on the weekend. I've had to throw in a light high rep day on a couple of occasions so far when feeling particularly worn out.

Bench press are slowly progressing, much too slow for my liking. Military press is the same story, if not worse. My dead-lifts are not increasing much due to a conscious decision of slow progression. I am trying to increase grip strength through dead-lifts, knowing it's holding me back.

Power cleans are lower than they should be, but I've mostly worked on technique until now. It was never a lift that came naturally to me, so I've been very reluctant to add much weight until about now. I expect to increase my power cleans significantly in the future.

Monday, October 13, 2014

On track

Things have been going well lately, with very few interruptions to my training. I now have a training partner (did I already mention that?) who is very much experiencing success with the program.

Lifts have certainly increased over the last couple of months, and are now as follows:

Squat: 3 x 5 x 113+ kg (250 pounds)
Bench: 3 x 5 x 79+ kg (175 pounds)
Dead-lift: 3 x 5 x 107 kg (235 pounds)

My main concern these days are recovery. The squat increase is not always the most pleasant thought in the morning, and I have probably increased less than I could by choice at times. My Bench, much like my press, is increasing slower than expected. I'm starting to believe that the squats are taking most of my recovery, though I enjoy the strength increase. Once I get to 2x bodyweight squat, my goals will certainly change.

I will suggest to my training partner that we start introducing a high rep day more often, for both recovery and endurance benefits.

A note on my weight:
I am seeing an increase in my weight, even when I don't expect it. My diet could at times be better, but I am slowly changing this.

Body weight: 195 pounds (ouch).

Friday, August 22, 2014

Establishing a routine

It's good to be back, in the gym, on a regular basis. Moving house, traveling, studying and working. The little things in life that get in the way of training ;)

Having been on regular routine for the last month, and the conceivable future at least, I've established some progress. My lifts are now:

Squat: 3 x 5 x 102 kg (225 pounds).

Bench: 3 x 5 x 75 kg (165 pounds).

Dead-lift: 3 x 5 x 93 kg (205 pounds).

Not quite sure here what happened to my bench pressing, though it's clearly down. I feel good about my squat, though I need to work on posture when going heavy.

Notes to self: Need to get more sleep.
Supplements: Magnesium, zinc, vitamin D, Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Finding the time

It's difficult to find the time to train when traveling. Having just spent a few weeks in the Netherlands for work, it's already difficult to get any kind of training done. And when you do find a gym, it's usually one with a Smith machine or a dumb bells only.

Having arrived in Norway, I've joined a gym for the short time I'm here. Man it feels good to be back on the squat rack. Let's get some numbers from my last session shall we:

Squat: 5 x 90 kg (198.4 pounds).

Bench: 4 x 80 kg (176 pounds).
I also managed to squeeze out 20 x 60 kg (132.2 pounds) without too much difficulty.

Dead-lift: 5 x 90 kg (198.4 pounds).

Looking at these numbers, it's clear that despite the lack of much training and the right equipment, my squat keeps improving. I also believe my back and chest is holding me back. Next session, Thursday.

Monday, March 31, 2014

First encounter with a personal trainer

I've been training hard and have enjoyed the hell out of it. Having covered the theory part of lifting, I decided I needed some hands-on coaching to catch my mistakes before they turn into bad habits.

I booked in four sessions for me and Raquel, and it's been fantastic. We've enjoyed every hour and consider ourselves lucky to get such a great guy. Big shout-out to Charod at O2 fitness.

Having sorted out my dead lift and squat, while adding some more exercises, I feel pretty confident that I'm on the path to "beastliness". A program is starting to shape, and my legs are certainly getting stronger. Most of my life, I've been somewhat delusional, believing my legs to be strong, and thus mostly neglecting them. Am I the only one who believed sports was enough to build strong legs? I wish someone would have pointed me in the direction of the squat rack when (beach) volleyball was my favorite past time.

My numbers are slowly improving, and I don't know what the gym situation will from here on out as I will be going to Europe for about 7 weeks.

Latest numbers:

Squat: 5x194
Bench: 3x184 (No spotter around, could maybe have squeezed out one more)
Deadlift: 5x194

My weight: 190

I've been doing more split squats and I like the effect it has on my legs. I'm also working on the clean at the moment. Will include it over time but feel the need for some instruction at this point.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Starting strength

About me
People, myself included, enjoy asking questions like "how much can I gain in one year?", or "can I increase my bench press by 100 pounds in a year?". I've googled the shit out of these questions myself. So to avoid wasting any more time, I will simply just see how strong I can get while documenting it all for my own and others benefit. By publicly displaying my progress I hope that I can embarrass myself into some real gains and perhaps motivate others.

I tell my wife that I'm going to get big as a house, but that's mostly just a joke on the "jooced" up former body builder running the local gym in my teenage days. I lifted some weights as a teenager, ate a lot of crap and did it all wrong. Today, I'm 34 years old, motivated, and trying to figure it all out.

For the last 15 years, I've always stayed some-what active, but never lifted weights. This year I decided to take a break from BJJ and mountain biking, to get stronger. I bought a copy of "Starting Strength", and started lifting as best I can. I am now about 4 weeks into it and I will document everything on my journey.

Why now
"Any man under 200 pounds is a woman"

No, seriously, I have the following goals:
1. Get stronger to avoid getting injured.
2. Get stronger to better compete in BJJ.

Starting Out
I'm neither naturally strong nor weak, I've seen better and I've seen worse. I'm about 5'11", 185 pounds and I'm just learning my lifts. I lift raw, and will continue to do so. I take no "special" supplements nor protein, and will document any changes in diet. The following three lifts are my first established lifts where I have decent form (deep squat, hips not leaving bench, etc).

Squat:      5x 184 pounds
Bench:     5x 174 pounds
Dead-lift: 5x 189 pounds

Looking at these numbers, you could say that they're all pretty bad, and I would not disagree :). However, to me, my squat is especially weak, my bench is OK, and the dead lift is still a little new to me.

My goals are (1RM):
400 pounds squat
300 pounds bench press
450 pounds dead-lift

All without getting too fat.
Lofty? We shall see.