Friday, November 7, 2014

Observations of progress

Things have been hectic lately, with work and visitors keeping me plenty busy. However, I have been sticking to my routine with only a few missed sessions.

My lifts have improved are now as follows:

Squats: 3 x 5 x 270 pounds
Bench-press: 3 x 5 x 180 pounds
Dead-lifts: 2 x 5 x 245 pounds
Military press: 3 x 5 x 110 pounds
Power cleans:: 5 x 3 x 115 pounds

I've made some observations regarding my rest and recovery worth mentioning. First of, my legs struggle to recover after heavy squatting with 7 hours a sleep a night. I feel much better with 8+ hours. Also, having a routine of Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, my Sunday lifts are always easier due to the added day of rest and the extra sleep on the weekend. I've had to throw in a light high rep day on a couple of occasions so far when feeling particularly worn out.

Bench press are slowly progressing, much too slow for my liking. Military press is the same story, if not worse. My dead-lifts are not increasing much due to a conscious decision of slow progression. I am trying to increase grip strength through dead-lifts, knowing it's holding me back.

Power cleans are lower than they should be, but I've mostly worked on technique until now. It was never a lift that came naturally to me, so I've been very reluctant to add much weight until about now. I expect to increase my power cleans significantly in the future.